Course Syllabus

Integrated Language Arts — 6th Grade
Course Syllabus

General Course Description

Integrated Language Arts is a class that combines the elements of reading and writing. The students will meet daily for a double block. This will enable them to learn in a variety of ways by having reading and writing workshops, grammar/poetry integration, literature circles, learning stations, independent reading, and a variety of other activities.


Students will have The Language of Literature, the sixth grade literature textbook provided for them in the classroom along with our grammar textbook Language Network. It is recommended that students will need to provide a minimum 1 ½” binder and a two pocket/three brad folder which they will keep in the classroom. As an aside, highlighters and map pencils will also be used frequently throughout the year.

Course Overview

During the school year, the students will write compositions pertaining to the following categories such as: narrative, short story, expository, persuasive paper, procedural, research and poetry. Students will also write response entries to literature, SSR, and other classroom activities. While writing, the students will focus on the Six Traits of Writing and grammar skills. Throughout the year, they will read selections from their literature book and other supplemental materials. They will also have theme-based literature circles as well as interdisciplinary unit studies. Through reading and writing, students will expand their vocabulary, improve reading fluency, and read a variety of texts for various purposes. Students will also learn an assortment of strategies to improve reading comprehension and vocabulary enrichment.
Home Access Center (HAC)

HAC is a private and secure online grade book provided by our school district. Login information for parents can be obtained at HAC provides parents the opportunity to view their student’s grades. Parents may download a variety of course attachments by accessing the teacher’s blog. Grades will be posted in a timely manner using the following notations:

• ABS = absent (need to complete)
• ABX = absent (exempt)
• X = exempt
• (blank) = Work not yet entered


Binders will be used throughout the year in ILA. Class notes, vocabulary work, graded work, learning strategies, grammar and miscellaneous information will be placed in the binder. To help students with organizational skills and responsibility, we will be conducting “Binder Checks” at the end of each six weeks. These grades will count as a minor grade. The students will be held accountable for all information that should be included in their binder.


Novels are not a required purchase for 6th grade ILA; however, due to the amount of annotating and highlighting, it would be an advantage to have a personal copy. Novels will be shared among students, but are unable to be “checked out” from the classroom; therefore, we suggest purchasing personal copies of the class novels.

Grading Policy

The grading policy is as follows: Major Grades 50%, Minor Grades 30%, and Classroom Assignment Grades 20%.

• Major Grades = Formal Tests, Projects, Major Writing Assignments, etc.
• Minor Grades = Quizzes, Writing Workshop, Literature Circles, Academic/Affixes Vocabulary, Six Week Binder Check, etc.
• Classroom Assignment Grades = Extra Practice Sheets, Warm-ups, Group Participation, Periodic Book/Assignment Check, Daily Reading Log, Agenda Check, etc.

Make-Up Work

Students are responsible for obtaining all assignments and/or notes from the day(s) they were absent. Students will have the same number of days equal to the period of absence in which to return their work. However, if the student is absent on the date an assignment is due, the assignment is due upon the students return to class.

Make-Up Examinations

Students absent during examinations shall not be allowed to miss academic time by making up the exam during class time.

Retest Regulations

In accordance with grading guidelines, a student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to retest in order to demonstrate their level of mastery with the curriculum. Requirements to retest such as attending tutorial sessions and/or completing remedial assignments will be determined by campus guidelines.

• The student will not be given the original assessment for a retest.
• Semester exams are summative assessments and are not eligible for retakes.

Varied Classroom Approaches

At Frisco ISD, we pride ourselves on the rigorous curriculum we provide for each and every student. Each teacher in 6th Grade Integrated Language Arts will provide students with the same learning standards; however, due to different teaching styles, approaches to the curriculum will differ.

Student Handbook

All Griffin Middle School rules and procedures will be followed in the ILA class, including behavior policies, tardy policy, absence policy and dress code. Please consult the student handbook and agenda for specifics.